Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween fallout

I missed my first workout yesterday.  I don't care.  I actually made a conscious decision to listen to my body and take an extra day of rest.  You see, I am not a runner.  I hope that's something that has become abundantly clear.  Even though I am not a runner, I am running 3 times a week right now.  Saturday I was scheduled for a 1 hour run.  It was cold and rainy.  I ran anyway and turned in a personal best.  Keep in mind, that means 10:24 miles.  Its still good for me.

Then the Halloween festivities began.

My wife and I have always loved Halloween and our girls do too.  This year our neighbor had a party before trick-or-treating.  I partook in the eating and drinking.  Then we took the girls trick-or-treating.  Then we sat by the fire pit, which, includes more eating and drinking.

So yesterday I was tired, and slow, and my hips actually hurt from the morning running and afternoon walking.  I was supposed to swim yesterday, but decided I needed the rest.  I thought I would feel bad, but to be really honest, I feel good about it.  I've not missed a workout since I took on this challenge, and yesterday seemed justified.

Today is the scheduled rest day.  I am already looking forward to tomorrows run.

Monday, October 26, 2015

320 to go.

Wow.  I just checked the remaining days for this post.  320 left.  I honestly don't know where the last 25 days have gone.

Here's my status update:  I've yet to miss a workout (although 1 swim came in 6 minutes short).

Up until last Thursday, no major issues.  I had a couple of aches and pains but ice, stretching an an occasional dose of Ibuprofen did the trick.  Last Thursday, however, the swelling on the top of my right foot returned and hurt.  I had to start back on the cream from the Podiatrist.  I was mortified.

I didn't miss a workout.  In fact, I ran 5 miles on Saturday - that foot cream is amazing.  My neighbor - you know, the one who actually finished the 2015 version - he ran with me.  I told him about my foot.  I told him it was the first time since I signed up that I was actually somewhat discouraged.

He told me about a couple of really dark moments he had while training last year.

I'm not sure why, but just hearing that he had troubles somehow lifted the entire weight of the injury.  I know its gonna suck. I know there will be more.  I know I will have my dark moments. Here's the thing I also know:

I will keep training.  I will race my race. I will finish.

Friday, October 16, 2015

And I'm In Over My Head

330 days to go.  Its been 2 weeks since the last post and boy how things have changed.  Remember that training team I told you about?  The one that starts January 1st?  Yeah, about that.  It started Tuesday.

I am officially on a team.  Its only the first week, but the team itself seems very good.  I haven't actually met anyone, or even either of the coaches, but I have a training plan in TrainingPeaks and have had an email conversation with one of the coaches.

The only thing I know for sure at this point is that I'm in a little over my head right now.  Don't get me wrong, the training plan is pretty awesome.  The goals, however, are not.  I knew when I registered that I had a long way to go before I was in 'Iron Man' shape.  I was also honest with myself and defined 'Iron Man' shape as simply finishing within the time limits.  Now that I see the schedule, I feel like I am even further behind than I thought I was.

I'll give you an example of my first scheduled training. Its a run.  Its supposed to be 40 minutes in Zone 2 (ie, very easy) and you're supposed to be able to run 4+ miles.  You see, that last part is the hard part.  In Zone 2, I'm running 12 minute miles (yes, THAT slow).  So I was able to go about 3.5 miles in the 40 minutes, but spent most of my time in Zone 3.

Now, I don't think that's a long-term issue.  My fitness will increase.  My weight continues to go down.  I expect to get to those numbers in the next couple of months.  But is that fast enough?  Do I have enough time to build the fitness I need?  15 days ago I would have said, 'Yes'.  Today, I say, "I don't know."

So the wild ride continues....

Thursday, October 1, 2015

345 days to go.

345 days to go.  It just doesn't seem like enough time when I say it that way.  I'm off to a good start, though.  At least, I think I am.

This brings me to the fundamental question I keep asking myself - how, exactly, do I know I'm on the right track to be able to do this?  I've looked up training programs, looked into a training team, and read a lot about it.  Everything suggests I'm 'on the right track'.  But how do I know?  At this point the shock of my commitment has worn off and the excitement of the journey has kicked in.  Still, I just can't shake that one question.

The last week and a half have been busy.  I've set a goal of working out 6 days a week and have thus far achieved that goal.  I've started running, and its going well.  I got my gym membership.  I bought my swim cap.  I've decided on a team that I am going to join - it officially starts Jan 1 (Happy new year?).  I've adjusted my diet and am already losing the 20+ lbs I will need to lose.  Things are looking and feeling good.

I'm off to a good start.  At least, I think I am...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Sample of the Highs and Lows

Yesterday was the first day after I had recklessly signed up for the 2016 Iron Man.  It was also a taste of things to come.

Seeing as how I'm NOT a runner,  I decided that the very first thing I needed to do was to start a running regimen,  so on day 1 I thought I would do a little run/walk.  On my way out, I asked my 10 year old if she wanted to go with me (I have no illusions regarding my running shape, I knew she would keep up and probably push me).  To my surprise, she said, "yes".  We took off moments later with the sun setting.  I can tell you this was the single best run of my life.  As we slowly jogged along, this 10-year-old, who rarely gives me any details about her day, in spite of my constant inquiries, just started chatting me up.  I heard about her class, her teachers, her goals.  As the sun went down and we rolled along for 2 miles, I almost forgot we were even jogging.

That was a preview of a 'high'.  I expect I will experience many of these along the way.

Later in the night, after we put the girls down and went to bed, my thoughts started getting the best of me.  I ended up thinking about the race, stressing about it, wondering about it.  Late into the night my wife rolled over and told me she couldn't sleep because she was worrying about it.  I eventually had to get up for a while and just sit - what about the costs, the time, the commitment?  Am I too old? Will my body hold up?  

That was a preview of a 'low'.  I expect I will experience many of these along the way.

Monday, September 21, 2015

What have I done?

Two weeks ago I witnessed something special.  A neighbor of mine had registered and trained for the IRONMAN Wisconsin.  I was a part of his 'support team', which, is to stay, I ran around the course to cheer him on at various points.

To witness this spectacle is something else.  People of all ages, abilities and sizes register and compete in this grueling event.  Each one of them is a physical incarnation of human will.  To say that I was inspired would be putting it mildly.  After seeing my neighbor's smile, both during and after the race, I knew one thing - I wanted.  No.  I NEEDED to be a member of this fraternity.  

Today I registered for the IRONMAN Wisconsin 2016.   Registering is a big thing - its expensive and there is essentially no refund (Well, there are cases where refunds are given but, "I didn't train enough and won't be able to finish is NOT one of them."). That gives me about 50 weeks to get myself back in shape to compete. The thing is, I turn 40 in January.  I have a wife. I have 2 kids.  I work a desk job.  

As I sit here writing this, I just keep thinking,

what have I done...